انتشارات Crc Press Llc, Taylor

Inflammation, Lifestyle and Chronic Diseases: The Silent Link (Oxidative Stress and Disease)
Bharat B. Aggarwal, 2012
Certified Forensic Consultant Body of Knowledge
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, 2015
Introducing Food Science, Second Edition
Robert L. Shewfelt & Alicia Orta-Ramirez & Andrew D. Clarke, 2015
Innovation Project Management Handbook
Dr.Gregory C. McLaughlin & Dr. William R. Kennedy, 2015
Inventive Engineering: Knowledge and Skills for Creative Engineers
Tomasz Arciszewski, 2015
Materials Aspect of Thermoelectricity
Uher, Ctirad, 2016
Variability in Human Performance
Thomas Jay Smith, 2014
Cancer-Causing Viruses and Their Inhibitors
Satya Prakash Gupta, 2014
Foundation systems for high-rise structures
Choudhury, Deepankar; Katzenbach, Rolf; Leppla, Steffen, 2017
Analysis with ultrasmall numbers
Karel Hrbacek, 2014
Mathematical Logic
Shoenfield, Joseph Robert, 1967
Attitudes and Attitude Change (Frontiers of Social Psychology)
William D. Crano, Radmila Prislin (Editors), 2008
HVAC Fundamentals
Sugarman, Samuel C, 2007
Energy Conservation Guidebook
Dale R. Patrick, 2007
Guide to Electric Power Generation
Anthony J. Pansini, 2006
Energy Management Handbook
Wayne C. Turner, 2007
Digital Media And Wireless Communications In Developing Nations: Agriculture, Education, And The Economic Sector
Megh Raj Goyal, Emmanuel Eilu, 2020
Advanced bioactive inorganic materials for bone regeneration and drug delivery
Chengtie Wu; Jiang Chang; Yin Xiao, 2013
Colloids in Drug Delivery
Monzer Fanun, 2010
Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology
Peter A Kralchevsky, 2013
Six Sigma Case Studies with Minitab®
Kishore K Pochampally; Surendra M Gupta, 2014